Adding repetitive and often baseless or false victim categories to garner even more victim cred. For example, a trans woman may also have in the profile bio the term 'autistic.'
Cinnamon isn't really autistic, in fact (s)he doesn't even know what that means, but s(he) puts it in any self-description, along with the fact that (s)he is trans, wheelchair-bound, and narcoleptic. (S)he's really just victim cred stacking.
by Ixman March 5, 2023
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Victim framing means using your status as a minority or member of an oppressed group to represent your opinion as the only valid opinion, and claiming you are the victim of differing opinions. While their opinions are very valid and need to be heard, representing them in this way essentially locks people out of the conversation who want to contribute because they feel they can't voice their differing opinions/concerns without offending the minority
As a person of colour, Margo used victim framing to dominate the conversation about the future of funding public housing and quell dissenting opinions
by Prude & Trude October 15, 2020
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a person who slips on ice mostly on sidewalks.
she was a sidewalk victim because she slipped on some ice outside.
by mlg198723 February 4, 2011
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That Micta is Victimous
by Sir Len Cover February 19, 2021
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Flip-Flops or other footwear that proves useless in life or death situations
"If he hadn't been wearing victim shoes, he might have gotten away"
by crazyirishscotchdrinker January 13, 2012
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it's just Finn
Finn was raped by a fat bitch, he is a rape victim.
by why was i raped August 15, 2022
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Any attempt to portray or otherwise transform an assailant into the victim, e.g., White Supremacist as victim; Rapist as victim; Traitor as victim.
Victimating can easily be understood in the context of rapists claiming what they did was the victim's fault; e.g., "She was asking for it wearing that short dress."
by Our4thEstate February 2, 2021
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