Slipknot refers to one of two things.

1.A type of knot that is also referred to as a running knot
2.The biggest insult to TRUE Metal ever.
Set "Slipknot is a band that was adopted by some emo bitches who wanted to appear hardcore."
by Set Abominae March 15, 2007
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Sorry ass band pretending to be metal while they shoul all fall to their knees and do some serious fellatio on real metal bands like Slayer , Sepultura or Pantera.
The band has like 9 members, half of them are drumers and the other half pretend to play guitar, bass or sing... notice that use the word "pretend" because the noise that comes out is annoying.
"Dude, Pete Sandoval from Morbid Angel can kick Slipknot's 4+ drumers combined"
by JK1112 December 22, 2003
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Slipknot is 9 piece band from Des Moines, Iowa. "True " or "kvlt" metalheads will call Slipknot 'false metal/emo/goth/etc'. I just call them a metal band. Before anyone starts calling me a 'poseur', at least hear me out. You either love them or hate but don't call them shit if you've never listened to them. At least respect Slipknot. To "true" metalheads: Yes i know Slayer, old Metallica, Pantera, Lamb of God, etc.(you get the idea) are awesome and Slipknot can't compare to them,it doesn't give you the right to call them shit and call others poseurs only because they listen to Slipknot without knowing what other bands they listen to. Yes i know there are a lot of 13 yr olds that listen to Slipknot and say their the heaviest band in the world. I've heard more Pantera and Lamb of Godon the radio than i've heard Slipknot. I only hear Slipknot when a person calls in and requests it. Slipknot didn't steal the mask idea from Mushroomhead. Mushroomhead paints their faces. Slipknot wears masks. How people came up with this idea is beyond me. To all the poseurs out there: Slipknot an awesome band, but you guys are making us look like idiots. Slipknot is not black metal, death metal, or thrash/speed metal. Slipknot is not the heaviest band in the world, so get a fucking life!. To all maggots and metalheads(i.e. not poseurs who only like them cause it pisses your fucking parents off): We should all be out there after the the members of Limp Dickshit, i mean Limp Bizkit, so we can kill them for making shit that some idiot decided to call 'music'(i'm using the term 'music' loosly). Especially that retarded asswipe Fred Durst.

Get a life and try a different genre of metal. You never know, you might actually like it.
MMFCL and stay (SIC) fuckers.
*posur*Lik whatcha you listnin' to?
*me* Slipknot, Slayer, Child-*gets cut-off*
*me**kicks poseur in face a couple times* Go listen to some Deicide or Dying Fetus then come back and see if you can still say that.*walks off*

*stereotypical metalhead*what're you listening to?
*me*Children of Bodom, Dying Fetus, ICP, Slipknot,-
*stereotypical metalhead**completely ignores the other bands I said*SLIPKNOT SUCKS!! THEY'RE SHITTY FASLE METAL!!!YOU'RE JUST ANOTHER POSEUR!!!
*me*Don't spew diarrhea of the mouth without ever listening to the band.*puts Gemetria (the Killing Name) on*
*stereotypical metalhead*Hey that's not too bad. Who is that?
*stereotypical metalhead*Really? They're not as bad as I thought. Still not my style though.
*me*Told you.
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one of the worst bands around. comprised of members and generally liked by people who have horrible taste in music.
Sam likes Slipknot, because he is a stupid, ugly person
by junglebungle March 7, 2005
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A band that goths think is great. But if great really meant shit it would be true. A band from Des Moines Iowa that has 9 people but still cant make good music.
Fan: they really get my feelings
Me: so your feelings are shit
Fan: No you dont understand real art!
Me: If mabye if art was shit
by pirates! July 16, 2005
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Plastic and worthless 9 member nu metal band from Des Moines, Iowa. Completely fake, followed almost entirely by a mainstream audience of stupid mallgoths that thing they are hardcore. Known for wearing masks on stage, an idea stolen from GWAR and Mushroomhead in an attempt to look as scary as possible, and they end up looking dumb. Known for an "energetic" live performance which consists entirely of more than 9 people on stage, only 3 playing, a fog machine or two, and a couple of people running around beating on random instruments like retards. They sing really badly written songs about depression that are sure to be up any emo kid's alley. Also well known for their drummer Joey Jordinson, who likes to go backstage after shows filled with 12 year olds and screw the girls, potentially the most overrated drummer ever. Only 3-5 members of the band ever do anything, and their sound could easily be pulled off by just 3 or 4. And finally, as Roadrunner Records (worst company ever) biggest bitches, they allow Roadrunner to control them entirely, producing and owning all their own music, giving them no say in how their band is run.
Slipknot is the worst band ever in my opinion, down there with Korn, Mudvayne, Otep, Fall Out Boy, Hawthorne Heights, hell really any other nu metal and emo band.
by doom_Forever May 21, 2006
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A group of like 13 no-talent assclowns who think they're hardcore. Their "music" sucks and blows. No, screaming and yelling is not music. The shitty, down-tuned nu metal sound is simply absurd. The strings are down so low they are virtually hanging off the neck, leaving a woolly, indistinct barrage of black noise, which is garbage.
Anyone who likes Slipknot is a RETARD.
by Spartans! November 9, 2004
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