by yeollikeabuffalo February 18, 2014
Something you don't want to admit that you like
*staff gives Kris chicken*
Kris: "chicken is not my style"
*a few moments later*
*Kris starts eating the chicken*
Kris: "chicken is not my style"
*a few moments later*
*Kris starts eating the chicken*
by Yehetsehun January 15, 2016
To admire the fashion stlye of another, then go and buy or wear the exact same wordrob as he or she.
" did you see Shannon's outfit? She is totally starting to Bite my style! I wore that exact same outfit last week!!"
by McgillacuttE February 24, 2008
Yo man that nigga is jocking my style
by Wishful Thinking October 7, 2005
when somebody is just in the way of your stylistic expression of freshness; the individual is putting a damper on the mood
When I am at the club and some squarebear is trying to get hyphy without properly giggin they are cramping my style.
by michael james coon April 24, 2007
to be bothersome to the point of ruining one's day or event. Can be confused with 'cramping my stlye' which is an equivalent expression.
When I am at the club and some squarebear is trying to get hyphy without properly giggin they are crimping my style.
by ascan2 July 11, 2008
you living here is "crimping my style"
by brad March 5, 2005