Another term for calling someone a posh twat
Mate your a posh pot
by Beej September 23, 2020
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Rowan "Obbers" Rastapasta
Bro you literally have a villa in spain and moved from Ireland to Malta, you're such a posh boy.
by Will is better and nozza is a November 18, 2022
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When you do graffiti the fancy way, eg. Using primer and a top coat varnish for tags.
He's a rich toy, so he does Posh Graffiti.
by saserone September 16, 2022
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A cute posh person is a posh person that is just so innocent and adorable and cute and is everyone's little baby that everyone love
Emily is a posh girl but annoying but Rachel is a cute posh girl
by Stephan dalton January 9, 2017
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Classic stereotypical moron who can't live without bragging out his wealthy and 'well educated' lifestyle.
Olander Karlsson: "I am born and raised in Danderyd, you know, in Stockholm we have the best hospitals and schools in the whole Scandinavia".
Henrik: "You're such a posh cock".
by Presumably December 1, 2016
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