fatal disease characterized by intense sensations of spinning (hence the name), dizziness, nausea, or falling. causes are unknown, but the victim almost always perishes within 78 hours of the first spinning attack. slight headaches often precede the attacks.

it is also notable that the disease only affects certain 12 year olds with names beginning in s and ending in ofia.
by Narishimbakrikanle Bazookla December 29, 2005
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A Hungarian Head Cold is where you shoot sperm in someones ear and then slap the same ear.
I love blondes! Give them a Hungarian Head Cold and it comes out the other ear!
by lost4eternitynow January 7, 2010
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italian czechoslavakian hungarians are usually people that are very proud of their heritage and ask their grandmothers all about their family history. they tend to boycott at local 7-11's and make up fake news reports. they also have really weird science teachers and are obsessed with the disney channel.
italian czechoslavakian hungarians are people who shall remain nameless and have blonde, whoops i mean brown hair.
by lizzie baby January 31, 2006
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A sexual act involving two males and one female in which one male lies flat upon his back with the female on top, and the remaining male on top of her, with both males simultaneously penetrating her. To distinguish the Hungarian Pancake Stack, the female must be menstruating with the blood evoking Hungarian vampire lore.
It's a good thing we got a hotel room before we did that Hungarian Pancake Stack. All this blood would be a pain in the ass to clean up.
by DJ Lanski June 26, 2012
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When you have explosive diarrhea all over someone’s chest and then you proceed to top said chest with whipped cream, vanilla ice cream, and chopped almonds. You then put a bib on and proceed to say “let’s dig in!” As you ravenously dig in to this scrumptious dessert you have created.
by Bob statutory January 18, 2021
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Two girls sit and shit on the ground. On the fecal matter the girls made, you cum on it as well. After that, the girls are making snow angels in their own shit!!!
Hey, instead of making snow angels, why don't we make Hungarian snow angels???
by Cummy worm November 18, 2010
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The Hungarian Shotput, is the act of throwing bitesize amounts of food from a distance, into the mouth of a person who sleeps with their mouth open.
I caught my snoring Grandma on the family couch, so I grabbed some scotch eggs and played a bit of Hungarian Shotput.
by KanveyNipper October 11, 2021
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