Anything involved with lifting very light weight and doing a bunch of running and cardio. An individual who does an athletic workout is someone who used to do bodybuilding but found it quite difficult to lift heavy consistently, thus choosing the easy way out of intense lifting sessions.
Darbs: Yo JJ are we lifting heavy today?
JJ: Nah bro I'm going to be doing an athletic workout, good luck tho!
by aluminum ballsack July 9, 2023
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Being the most an athletic guy in elementary school or something meant that you were one of the popular boys, and every other guy wants to be you friend.
Did you see Chad do a 1 mile sprint? - Sam
Yeah, I wanna be his friend so badly man.- Jadiel
He is also The most athletic guy in school right now.. - Garfield
by EpixxPerson March 19, 2022
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In SPORTS BOOK it is a channel dedicated to any sporting event that has not started yet but set to begin within the channel of record.

It is an opening on THE STRIP to haul ass through the crowd.

Any place where you can play sports for fun with your friends in the neighborhood.
Hey JIOHN ,yes PETER I found the CLEAR ATHLETIC CHANNEL as make sure we secured our bets as you know their is to begin in a punctual manner not too distant in duration from discovery.

Alan got a surprise tonight through the CLEAR ATHLETIC CHANNEL as he might just piss ⁸ over himself to show he is a JEWISH HOMOSEXUAL PEEDOPHILE.

BUTCH wanna come out play basketball as there is a CLEAR ATHLETIC CHANNEL for us to play how we like to play, OK JOE.
When you never give up and constantly push harder in training.
Guy 1: Usain Bolts a badass, how is he so fast?
Guy 2: It’s that athletes brain bruh
by Cox Connections May 2, 2020
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Another term for a white sports-player. Frequently associated with “Total Floor General”, “High sports IQ”, and “Team Leader.”
John is deceptively athletic even though he’s 6’5 and 10% body fat
by Randy Randinger July 14, 2021
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A person who practices the sport of navigating obstacles by running, jumping and climbing, known as Parkour.
Person 1: Are you into any sports?
Person 2: I'm more of an urban athlete.

P1: Whats that?

P2: I like to try and navigate landscapes in a quicker than normal and unconventional manner.
by JacobBeau99 March 16, 2022
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