A manly man who bangs a lot of women and hosts parties every night.
He is the J-Strang of my school, he gets play everyday.
by Djh33 May 10, 2016
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strange cum. often found in supermarket bathrooms this cum is straight from a hobo’s scrotum ready to be cleaned by a worker!
did you clean the “strange cum” off the wall yet
by skippydinglechalk1 February 20, 2021
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the act of going outside and patrolling for some “hot ass” usually in a group of one or more people.

while “taming strange” speaks for an individual, “taming some strange” is plural.
Mom: What are you boys up to today?

Me: I think we are gonna hit up town and tame some strange.
by Jackoff Nipples April 7, 2023
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When someone has no self respect or standards and solely hooks up with a string of women he does not know or care to know. Generally a douche bag.
Friend 1, "Man, Jeff sure has been hooking up with a lot of random woman"
Friend 2, "yea, he has really been riding the strange train lately"

"Fucking guy has been on the strange train for a solid month now.

"Wow, he really jumped back on the strange train after his break-up"
by Texas Blouses January 8, 2014
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I was in a neon mall that looked like it was from the 80s. The mall was completely empty, I was the only person there. I heard a phone ringing so I went down a non-functioning escalator to check it out. I saw a table of old phones that looked like they were from the 50s under an awning. I picked up one of the phones but only heard static on the other end so I hung the phone up. I saw that there was a restroom right next to the table of phones was a bathroom, and I entered it. I went to go take a piss in one of the toilets but the toilets were really big, not really tall, but like really wide. Before I got to finish, someone pulled me out of the bathroom. The whole time I felt an overwhelming sense of dread.

I had another pretty short dream where I was playing old banjo kazooie games on a CRT tv in an old Russian cabin. All of a sudden, I hear someone yelling Russian gibberish outside of the door, like someone who didn't know how to speak Russian trying to speak it. The person sounded very angry and I felt very scared, probably because I was in a dense forest far away from civilization and I thought I was totally alone. I climbed up a ladder to the second floor to look out the window that was up there and saw no one, but I can still hear the man yelling. Then I woke up feeling very unnerved.
by NinjaBart420 June 29, 2023
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A beautiful person and the niece of doctor strange in marvel lol
by Summervsco2019 July 26, 2019
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A beautiful girl and the niece of doctor strange from marvel lol and also a frickin BOWL! Not rlly but yes
by Summervsco2019 July 26, 2019
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