A girl that is nearly undefinable in who she is because she is everything. Casey Leigh Gaige is a stunningly beautiful girl, that loves her friends unconditionally and at times drives alittle too fast. Casey Leigh Gaige is a girl you want to be friends with.
See that cute girl next to bobby? That's his girlfriend Casey Leigh Gaige
by OG Bob johnson June 23, 2017
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She is the most caring person ever. She is sweet, kind, and Sensitive. She can be quiet at times but don’t doubt her strength. She is strong and competitive and loves a good competition. She loves sports but also eating. She is thicc and is super cute.
by Anonymous Lover* February 15, 2018
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Ash-Leigh is a beautiful girl. She is independent and calm. She cares about all people and has a fantastic personality. She goes through alot but hides her pain with a smile. Ash-Leigh is a one of a kind person. #unique
"Ash-Leigh is the best"
by Amy daniels November 20, 2022
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Terri-Leigh is incredibly beautiful and sexy. Her laugh is infectious and her smile makes you gooey from the inside out. She never fails to make you feel good about yourself but doubts her own self when the compliment is returned. She is perfect in every way but refuses to see it.
Look at her, she’s fucking perfect. Clearly a Terri-Leigh
by Ro72 January 20, 2023
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Thalia Leigh is a pretty decent human. She has a good amount of friends. She’s the type of girl who will happily dance at two am with you as long as the music is good. She especially Loves show tunes. Thalia Leigh is just pretty cool and loving.
Thalia Leigh is pretty cool, but she needs to stop blasting show tunes.
by Nuclear.sunflower October 20, 2018
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A pale red head with a black T-Shirt and Black Pants. They are a murderer, only in grade 8. Armed and dangerous. Shot and killed a man who goes by the name of Jacob De Koning.
Amber Alert Nathan Leigh, a grade 8 student with a black shirt, and black pants has shot and killed a man named Jacob De Koning, this man is armed and dangerous. They have escaped in a Toyota Corolla, please be cautious around Norfolk Simcoe, to Port Dover. Please be cautious as they may kill again.
by You're a clown. February 22, 2023
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When you go overseas on your first holiday to a country which has a different currency and you can’t figure out the exchange rates (especially after a few drinks) and you inadvertently end up paying 10 times more than you should to the local market seller, accepting their first price with the inability to understand how to barter.
A lad (Leigh Lawson), was on his first holiday to Bali and buying a gift. He asked how much it was.

Local market seller appeared to catch on that Leigh Lawson was on his first holiday and a bit wet behind the ears so confidently said the sale price was $40 (probably cost $0.40 to manufacture).

Lawson didn’t hesitate to pay the full $40, even tipping them for their kind nature.

Later that night, Lawson went out for dinner and purchased a steak which he believed was a bargain price of $9, only to find out when settling the bill that said rib eye cost him $90.

Lawson was not available for comment when contacted by his friends.

When traveling overseas, avoid getting Leigh Lawsoned.
by michaelmichael1212 December 28, 2022
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