A mental condition that a lot of millennials and (ESPECIALLY) Gen Zs self-diagnose themselves with with no known cause despite the fact that they eat garbage food, refuse exercise, drink alcohol, use narcotics, remain indoors all day avoiding sunlight, get mad when they lose video games, and stay on their smartphone for 96% of their day instead of interacting with people and exercising like a regular human being. Basically it’s when these people live such a boring and depressing life that they make themselves believe that depression is their life instead of getting off their fat ass and changing it.
I have depression.
“What did your psychologist say would help? Like exercise or anything?”
Huh? Psychologist? I don’t have one of those, I just know I have it.

“Maybe start by putting down your smartphone for more than 4 seconds…and the Big Mac…and the other smartphone…and the X Box controller.”
by TheAlwaysCorrect1 January 23, 2023
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Depression is the only thing coming between me and mouth-numbing banana flavor.
by Nafadlez December 9, 2018
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Something that every girl in High School has. They use this as an excuse to become master hoes and to get attention and penis. Some even think that depression is a condition made up by High School Females. If you meet a female with depression you should run and call the police. Avoid combat and interaction between them at all costs or you may catch depression as well.
Hey look, there is the girl with depression, call the police.
by God Definer August 22, 2018
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The worst emotion you could ever feel. Every day becomes a living hell and you wonder if you have a purpose on this earth and why you should even be alive anyway. Depression will cause you to be on the edge of tears every minute of the day, and you eventually just stop caring about everything. Relationships suffer, friendships end, and suddenly you feel alone and there's no one but depression to keep you company. Sometimes depression is mistaken for melodrama, and the person who you think is crying for attention is actually screaming on the inside. Depressed people wish they could end the agony, but can't because there aren't many alternatives.
Depression usually doesn't have just one cause. It's a whole load of little problems that pile up after an unspecific length of time(depending on the problems, and how long you've kept your feelings bottled up inside) and eventually grow to become unbearable. You feel trapped and you want out but there's no way out, and every single simple everyday task like waking up and going to school becomes futile in your mind.
Just as I was reading these definitions for the same word, there were tears rolling down my face. Looks like I've got depression again. This is pathetic.
by definitelyworthless March 20, 2011
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Every day, minute, SECOND, is painful. You have hate and pain running through your veins constantly that it controls you. Every cell in your body hates your existence and screams at you to end it all. You constantly think and wonder WHY!? Why were you the one who ended up in this life. Why did you grow up to be the miserable one.

Every night is long and dark, as you lie awake and feel too afraid to sleep, but in too much pain to remain conscious. Every morning you wake up and the familiar dark thoughts envelop you as you realize you have to exist for another horrible day.

It is a feeling of absolute loneliness. You feel that you have no one, yet everyone else has everyone. You look around at all the people you know enjoying friends and family and relationships andwonder why you're alone. Just so utterly alone.

You constantly think "Why am I still here? What am I doing?"... You wish you could just exist in a world of sleep where you didn't really have to live or think or breathe. Nothing makes sense to you or gives you comfort except for the concept of non-existence... Suicide. Suicide is the only thing that makes sense to you. Non-existence seems like the only sensible solution. You despise every second you exist on Earth.
Its like looking at the world through a camera lens, but the lens has a filter on it to make every single thing you see and experience look disgusting, terrible, dark, awful, hateful. depression
by geopat December 23, 2012
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A scary enough place to visit and I hate having to live there.
by trustme October 2, 2003
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A really really fucked up mental illness/ mental disorder, usually accompanied by anxiety disorder which causes a person to have an uncontrollable paranoia. Depression is a lack of hormones and imbalance of chemicals in the brain. Depression makes a person weak, lazy, and very very pessimist. This shit should not be underestimated, It drains all your energy and your vision of your life.

Common Myths/ Misconception:

Depression can be cured through will and positive thinking
Depression is only in your brain, it is not a mental illness go to a bar have sex then you will be cured.
Depression is just an excuse for being lazy

MAJOR BULLSHIT! Depression is an actual MENTAL ILLNESS.
Because of depression Dave never go to a party.
Because of depression Alfred didn't apply for a job.
by oldemberg February 7, 2014
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