a stupid rich girl who just so happens to be marrying all these rich people and keeping their names
Don't let your daughter marry too many men or she may end up a Teresa Heinz Kerry.
by nonoyawns January 20, 2005
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Liberal US Politician, with very left-wing views that are unpopular with the rest of America, as shown by his loss in the 2004 election. Further reasons for his loss were his indecisiveness, which was nicknamed 'Flip-Flopping' by the American people; the fact that his campaign centred around criticizing the Bush administration, as opposed to giving actual solutions to the problems; and also the fact that it is easier to keep the same leader in wartime. He lost in an enormous landslide, but still remains in Senate.
John Kerry's ego has taken an enormous beating in losing the election, and the media's portrayal of George W Bush as an unpopular leader is now in question.
by Lucky Strike February 9, 2005
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A man with no platform.He is running on NOTHING.

John Kerry's platform = "Bush bad,me good.Get rid of Bush,put in me"

Bush's platform = "uh,we gotta kil these terrorist bastards before they kill us"
That's the choice.Good Luck shmucks!
by Demo4Bush November 2, 2004
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We should promote peace, just tell me when its all over
by andrew April 7, 2005
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A disaster, the Kerry campaign's cause of death. A Democrat myself, the only word that came to my mind when she spoke at the convention was "Ugh".
by TriBeCaDuDe January 23, 2005
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A dog that is black until 2 years old and turns a dark, navy blue than some parts turn grey.
Guy 1: Hey look at my blue dog

Guy 2: It's a Kerry Blue Terrier

Guy 1: Oh... I thought it was a Great Dane.
by POKEMON RULE April 14, 2014
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One who misleads voters by delivering promises that are next to impossible to keep because Americans are too stupid to realize how these promises really "work" SEE: Watch the debates and read the papers for both sides of the story dumbass AND: There are two sides stop believing the one that SOUNDS the best withought knowing info.
Statement or Promise: Healthcare for everyone, the same as the Senators get.

Reality: Despite everyone thought, depending on the income of the Senator or person in question, The GOVERNMENT will choose a program best SUITED to your income. Sure, it will be Blue Cross, but nothing was said about transplants or hospitalization being covered...sorry, you must not make enough.

Statement: Minimum wage higher for everyone especially women

Reality: Taxes will be raised, although I hate the upperclass, there is not nearly enough of them to tax to cover my promise on this one, therefor, sorry middle and lower class, more taxes for you too.

Statement: I will bring our boys home

Reality: As soon as i take credit for what is going on overseas, and I make the other promises I made come true, Then I will bring home half.
by John Edwards, Kerry's Lover October 22, 2004
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