May is a privileged white girl is a privileged white girl
by Fydyehfkvjvkgyfiv May 30, 2020
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A hella fun and kind person. She makes you laugh easily and and would stand up for her friends in any situation. She’s very competitive and confident when she wants to be. She can be belligerent and a tease you too much sometimes, but means well and will be there for you in the long run. Overall A Fucking amazing person, beautiful inside and out.
PersonA: who’s that she’s gorgeous
PersonB: Yh that’s may, she’s so fun you’d love her
by December 3, 2022
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May is a sweet and loveable girl that does not like to hurt others feeling by hack or emotions, she is also a type of romance lover such a gf material ;) A May would be a girl to love being feeled special because most of the time she gets fake love because of her beauty, SO MAKE HER FEEL LOVED FOR REAL! She would be a hot chick and the guy dating her would be hella of a one lucky guy ;) treat her well.
by Iloveyouall<3 November 24, 2021
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She likes to dance also she is bi and he/her idk why and how but she likes this guy moaz and every lil huddy there also Your love has lifted me to the greatest heights imaginable. I am deeply hurt, and my heart will undoubtedly be scarred because we can't be together. I don't think I'll ever find a love as true as ours, and I'm not sure I ever want to try. Although you can't take me with you, I've given you my heart to keep forever
By moaz Abdulshakor
by The sad George fliyd November 1, 2021
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A month-long downward spiral of depression where you regret falling for the girl named after this 5th month of the year.
Tomathon: Hey Mao Zedong. What's up with that guy over there?

Mao Zedong: I believe that man is having a May...

Tomathon: O
by AB365 May 2, 2018
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