seen during anal sex when someone hasn't quite cleaned themselves properly
Man, I was reamin' this chick's ass out last week and when I pulled my shit out it looked like a rusty firepole
by JPnEB May 24, 2008
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A penis with a slight glazing of feaces on after anal intercourse
I fucked her in the ass but now I have a rusty shaft
by No T in Racism March 1, 2015
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Getting a dry hand job from an escort in a hotel room
I got a Rusty Giuliani last night!
by Bennett1313 November 18, 2020
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When a male (older male) is in the act of “cumming” and nothing comes out
babe i need you back, he got my with a rusty fire hydrant again
by Braden Fredericks September 5, 2017
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A sexual maneuver in which multiple people (usaully men) engage in oral stimulation of each other whilst offering a reach around, usually on a staircase. The name was coined in relation to the infamous sex act of the Rusty Trombone, as multiple Trombones make up an Orchestra.
"It was pretty awkward when my parents arrived unannounced, they came through the front door to find me tongue deep in the person in front of me, whilst I sat upon the tongue of the person behind. That was the third time this year that my mother had caught me mid Rusty Orchestra."
by VagrantFox August 31, 2018
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The act of inflating a pink sock with your mouth while jacking them off like the Rusty Trombone.
by Sandy Hooks June 14, 2018
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A pair of older aged lesbians that engage in sexual activities such as scissoring.
I met our new neighbors today, husband says to wife. Wife replied with, The rusty scissors across the street?, I heard they were very nice.
by Bitch Pudding December 20, 2021
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