A form of cuddling in which one person lays flat on his/her stomach and their cuddle buddy straddles his/her back like a turtle shell.
by tinkerbish August 23, 2014
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Turtles are love, turtles are life.
A turtle? AHH it BIT me!!
"What's a turtle?" "... YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT A TURTLE IS?!?!?!"
by Cjreeve404 March 5, 2017
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1. a) (verb) To drive abnormally below (at least 10 k/mph) the posted speed limits, even under ideal driving conditions.

b) To drive slower than conditions say would be safe.

2. (noun) A person who commits 1a or 1b; An asshole who drives ridiculously slowly during rush hour, holding up traffic, and pissing commuters off.
Sorry I'm late. I got stuck behind some turtle turtling her way down the expressway.
by Nunuv Yabizness January 27, 2011
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The sexual act of repeatedly inserting and removing only the head of the penis without inserting the shaft.
Tom totally turtled my ass last night.
by Free Nerdity January 7, 2012
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There are many types of turtles and there very slow
Hey speed up you as slow as a turtle
by Oldman96 April 3, 2016
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a girl that is so hot that you would do anything to sleep with her including biting her turtle head off, which in this circumstance means the initial portion of fecal matter that has peaked its head from the buttocks.
"Man that chick is so hot, I would totally bite her turtle head off."
by Joe Thompson November 27, 2007
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girl that gets banged by 3 dudes, all wholes filled at once
courtney is a very dirty trutle, she loves turtles. walk around in group of 3s n ur turn might come up
by bdawg March 22, 2004
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