Alexa, play "Africa" by Toto

The Hunger Games is a series of competitions mostly occuring during great droughts in Africa. When every little child gets a knife from their mommy and tucks it in their neighbours stomach.
When the season begins, the high priest yells "السيدات والسادة! دع الألعاب تبدأ!" and the games begin.
Carl: Did you hear that The Hunger Games began down in Africa last week?
Edwin: Yeah, fuck that let's go get McDonalds
Carl: YEET
by Lukas Karlhager December 4, 2018
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A movie that would start to get interesting if it were about the contestants were actually hungry enough to eat each other to survive, but it's not, so it stays mind numbingly plain and dull.
The Hunger Games is bullshit.
by Solid Mantis May 22, 2021
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A political or social environment where one's survival and well-being depends upon one's ability to compete for resources essential to their survival and well-being, that are insufficient in that environment to ensure the survival and well-being of all who live in it.
You can't find any decent jobs in that town, the cost of living is high -- the whole economy is just one big The Hunger Games.
by makeitrain18018 December 2, 2017
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A specific type of fanboy who is eccentric about everything the hunger games related. For example, Katniss is not leading for an wards vote. A fanboy would run around screaming and/or crying. And if katniss became first, they would run around screaming and/or crying. they purchase lots of fandom merch, and act quite strangely when discussing their fandom.
New hunger games poster is released. a hunger games fanboy would be the first and only person in line...for a poster.
by THGFanboy1224 April 4, 2014
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when you have some really bad munchies
I just smoked a fat blunt. the munchies hit so hard I'm feeling some mad zombie hunger
by sk8ermex November 18, 2016
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Person 1: Hey have you seen that new episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force?
Person 2: Oh you mean 4 years ago no.
by Just de turtois July 24, 2019
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