3 definitions by Vestusual

A person who waits until they see or know what the food is to decide if they're hungry or not
It's typically picky eaters who brush of their pickyness with "I'm not hungry"
Person 1: I'm so hungry
Person 2: It's curry stir-fry for dinner
Person 1: I'm not hungry
Person 2: You got Shrodingers hunger, huh?
by Vestusual May 23, 2023
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Someone with a gynormous cock and balls, all the bitches love him and he is worshipped by his pears.
To be an Alastair, is to be God
Did you know john has a massive dick?
Wow! he's such an Alastair
by Vestusual May 31, 2023
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A person (typically a teacher or authority figure) who believes that they are always in the right, and when you questoin something they see it as disrepectful.
"They're such a Hejka"
by Vestusual May 22, 2023
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