It is when you somehow manage to turn off wireless capability while surfing the internet on a laptop. Then you go around frantically checking all wires to make sure they're connected. Hours later you realize, after searching that you had pressed the button that is placed so far on the keyboard you don't understand how it got pressed.
I was so scared that my internet was cut off that I trouble shooted for hours. Then I looked to see that wireless capability was turned off.
I was glad it was just a signal frantic.
by kookycarl May 9, 2012
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you cross your ring finger over your middle finger

resembles the ''up yours''
man he was obsessed! he kept showing off west coast signals!
by k.djmasta November 23, 2014
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College degree that doesn't teach anything useful expect that it signals to employers that the holder of said degree is not an idiot.
BA Econ is a signaling degree. If you get good grades at a decent school you send a signal that you're hard working and smart. That's about it.
by Hypersion July 12, 2012
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When a person (usually a female) who is stuck up/snobby is encountered by a person that they don’t want around them for any reason (not attracted to/annoying/etc.) And the person is bothered by them, and she/he begins “Simp Signaling” the nearest Simp closest to them for help, even if their plea for help is unnecessary, and is usually resolves by telling the bothering person to go away, but instead decides to involve a Signaled Simp to resolve the situation with the unwanted person. “Leave her alone man! She doesn’t like you!!.”
The preppy cheerleader chick was Simp Signaling one of the party simps to tell the brave band geek who was indirectly invited to the party to leave her alone, because he tried to flirt with her.
by EmilCas1 October 17, 2022
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While waiting at a traffic signal for the light to change from red to green, you notice that the left turn arrow changes green without the forward light changing green. Just by seeing the light change you step on the gas alittle bit and then realize that your lane is still stopped. Causing the car to flinch. Typically implies that you are alert or that you are in a rush to go somewhere. Senario may be applied vice versa.
(While second in line waiting at a traffic signal in the forward lane)

Driver: I really hope the light changes soon.
Passenger: Yeah me too.
~Left turn lane changes green, but forward light remains red~
~ Car first in line on forward lane begins to go as if the forward light was green, realizes it is still red and stops; causing the vehicle to flinch moving forward a few inches~
Driver: Whoa! Did you see that guy ahead of us!?
Passenger: Yeah! He just did a Signal Flinch!
Driver: He must be in a rush to get out of here.
by Citruslump September 20, 2011
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