It typically means to search, look for or trying to find out something
My teacher asked me about the history of America and I figured that I had to do the digging to find the answer.
by Mechavelli November 17, 2018
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It only means one thing: a A bick that digs
I saw a Bick Dig on my way back to home
by WeAre300_kids April 20, 2022
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When an individual is dropped or "knocked out" in one punch

the person who is "done in a dig" is usually somewhat of a pussy
Reilly: So what was the fight like?
Ste: Jamie said he'd do him in a dig... and he did
Reilly: Sol got done in a dig? really?
Ste: Yessir
by Oh Jay January 29, 2009
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An alternate name for a cigarette, most commonly used and mixed with Basketball slang.
"Ben, give me my Dunkel Digs!"
"Pass me a dunk"
"Let's shoot some hoops."
"Let's dunk a couple baskets."
by King Shade August 25, 2008
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A Fucking Awesome Game That No-One Takes The Time To Sit Down And Play Anymore.
Me:Hey Jimbo,Whens The Last Time You Played That Game Dig-Dug?

Jimbo:I've Never Played That Game Before,I Dont Know Why,Maybe Its Because Im Gay?!?
by TySoN 2 Da DeJaynes August 22, 2006
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agent:tommy you have a call back....tommy(58 mins later) the call back is dun-dig
by tommy stewdog December 24, 2018
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