This school is filled with annoying ass kids who don’t know how to act. There are mad white kids that be saying “nigga” and don’t know how to act. Majority of its people are white and Indian. Oh, and it’s filled with VSCO bitches 🤮!
“I hate going to school.”
“What school do you even go to?”
“Colonia Middle School 🤢!!”
by yunglilniggaa October 24, 2019
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ok so griffin is lowkey like hell. i can not stand it. all the girls literally wear shorts up their ass and the boys are always high asf. olweus is stupid and should be taken off the schedule. algebra is overrated and mrs park is my mom. but like everyone is so annoying and literally decreases my will to live. some people are actually like the worst and make me want to abort myself.
griffin middle school is trash
by tiktokgoddess November 13, 2018
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The self named "Best Middle school in America" where teachers get fired every year and if you flip a water bottle you get three days of suspension. Also known for having a 2% black student population an 8% Asian population and a 90% white population.
Man did you here about how Pizitz Middle School got an extra black kid added to their school?
by Mrs.Hanson August 24, 2019
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Where dumbass seventh graders hold a vape in their hand and go running around gaining instant fuccboi status by saying they vaped. Little kids say they’re gonna fight someone else and then don’t come to school the next day. And everyone thinks it’s a scary school but its really just a gated community.
“Hey did you go to Martinez Middle School”
“Yeah you mean White Fuckboi Gated Community
by OmgitsAlia-A August 7, 2018
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Pretty much the Jerry Springer show if you ask me! Stupid idiots there are either wanting to be ghetto, are already ghetto, or snakes so cut yo grass.
Cascade middle school slugs-"Thier fighting at Hicks again," That's yo cue to SKRRRRT
by FlossYoTeethKIDS February 1, 2019
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the worst middle school in prince william county because the teachers suck ass and the administration can’t suspend kids for more then a week regardless of what they do because their too scared of parents coming at their necks, worst 3 years of my life, the teachers worry about your phone more then teaching your class, they care about how good their sports teams are then their actual education, if you get that one math teacher in 7th grade that
makes you do 5 questions of homework everyday (if you went to benton you know who i’m talking about) say good bye to having a good year because they ruin it, the school is mostly full of white kids pretending their black and 6th graders who think they know everything, GL if you go to benton
Teacher: Give me your phone or i’m calling an administrator!

Student: we are doing absolutely nothing
Teacher: I’m calling an administrator

Student: I hate benton middle school

Administration: You smoked weed in the bathroom for the 3rd time this year? 1 week out of school suspension.
Student: Bet.
by hmmmmmnice September 21, 2019
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This is a school where the janitor hits people with the trash can and all the guys get high. This school gets people depressed. Lassiter is cool tho
Mabry Middle School made me depression.
by Moto moto moto moto April 10, 2019
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