Someone who goes onto youtube, watches countless videos, and considers it an occupation.
by Act Like a Clown May 17, 2009
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A video that is uploadable to youtube due to its awesomeness.
"I just made a video of me and my cat. Want to see?"
"Dude, that video is not youtubeable"

"He hasn't made any videos that are youtubeable"
by Xanthrun June 25, 2007
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A "youtuber" is simply one participating in watching Youtube videos. The amount of videos watched or uploaded by the youtuber is irrelevant. A person swimming for the first time in their life is still a "swimmer" at that moment in time, regardless of their experience. They might be a bad swimmer, but a swimmer nonetheless.
"Davis is watching a Youtube video. Davis is a youtuber."
by DavisfromThomas December 21, 2012
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A video sharing site which is SUPPOSED to be strictly against adult material, where in reality it has more porn than most porn sites.
Hint: try going on and searching for "porn". You will find nearly half a million videos.
by freddy234567 September 13, 2008
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An alternative usage for the word "YouTube"---possibly of British origin.
Louis Tomlinson of the British boy band/boyband 1D massively embraces the use of "youtubes/YouTubes" to promote his band's viddies.
by Jesus Chameleon October 20, 2012
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Girl 1: Hey, have you seen that new smosh video?

Girl 2: No.

Girl 1: Ok, I'll youtube it for you.
by OmgxXlykexXrawr? July 20, 2009
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Previewing music on youtube before purhasing it to ensure that you actually like it.
a: you got the new kings of leon album?
b: yeah I youtubed it first to see if I liked it.
by Keirran November 13, 2008
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