A prank involving the act of taking apart something large and putting it back together in an indoor environment, like someone's living room. The object is too big to fit through a door to the outside when completed. Mostly done with some kind of vehicle.
My friend's mother complained that the ATV project was to big for her yard. So we Tijuana Transferred it into her living room, while she was on a business trip.
by Kamarov1911 December 23, 2012
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A Computing Science Euphemism for ejaculation. This is where a man climaxes from sexual pleasure and sends the files flying out of his penis.

Derived from the act of transferring a file from a USB stick onto a computer through inserting it into a USB Port.
I had a good rhythm, but then the file transfer happened prematurely on my end
by HYPERREALITYSOUL42069 June 24, 2022
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superhighways that have collector lanes and express lanes use transfer lanes to move from collectors to express and vice versa. These lanes are designed to be used to transfer only, then move into the traffic lanes of the collectors or express as appropriate. Some drivers attempt to improve their travel time by staying in the transfer lanes, thus moving from collectors to express, then back to collectors, then to express, and so on.
This driver thinks he's getting places faster by transfer surfing
by Urban Misanthrope May 12, 2011
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A survival method for dire situations or just a good time where you go ass-to-ass with your survival partner or best mate and shit into their gigantic gaping asshole, which is on the brink of prolapse, to share body heat.
Did you do any of the load transfer homework last night?

No I couldn't get my asshole to relax enough.
by EngineeringPrinciples January 14, 2018
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This is a VERY DEADLY AND CONTAGIOUS disease and is transferred by having too much contact or kissing OBESE people
A friend of mine has it and he only has 3 days left to live sad but I warned him...A.N
Transfer Diabetes the transactions of the diabetic disease and is very deadly
by 420Ben Dover69 October 29, 2019
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A network designed for getting gyal and adding them in to the collection of bitches.
Using football terms to describe them without baiting them out.
Through my transfer network, I managed to sign a full squad and some subs for squad depth(this means I have got 12 birches rn with some extra ones just in case)
by Rybryty2000 September 30, 2021
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When a male and his partner perform anal sex using a condom, and after the first of them ejaculates he removes the condom still dripping wet, and hands it to his partner to repeat the same for him.
Trying The Manhattan Transfer was the most amazing thing I've ever done!
by Lord Aven May 20, 2011
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