She is the weirdest person you will ever meet.She loves the tv show friends and drama.Most people think she is shy as she does not pay attention therefore she does not know what to say.However,she is very loud around her friends and will scream peppa pig at the top of her voice.She also has a best friend that she loves so much,she has no idea how much she means to her.She has even been on trips together and she is basically like a sister to her.I love you so much if you are watching this.
Summer Everitt is so weird Summer Everitt Summer Everitt
by nobody_503 May 9, 2020
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A really cool Kpop band made up of mason Levi and James Anthony. They are the #1 Kpop band
“Have you heard of a summer high” “yeah they’re a shitty Kpop band, mason wants to be probed
by Justatrashbagyeet January 29, 2019
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Laugh of a person named Summer that sounds exactly as the word implies, if you know a Summer you know exactly what the laugh sounds like.
Dude 1 - “Dude show that meme to Summer”
Dude 2 - *Shows meme*
Summer - “Teehee
Dude 2 - “I got the Summer Teehee”
Dude 1 - “Nice dude
by C'Dot October 26, 2018
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Someone might get killed or hurt really bad. Some type of tragic event can happen at anytime.
Yo dont come out side its gonna be a Cold Summer
by DaddyLove_NJ February 19, 2019
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The Summer Dim is a light setting designed to produce a sexually-charged environment. The lighting is dull but illuminates the room enough to see effectively. The environment is seen at parties across the in nation in order to set the proper mood. The Summer Dim is ideal for love-making and other sex-related activity.
"It was a summer dim." -The Game

"The Summer Dim is in effect at all times in my room." -Trey
by Trey Fox September 26, 2008
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