Straight people who only have sex with straight people of the same sex. Usually males, because males.
Have you heard of the new sexuality? Yeah, strays. Straights who only have sex with other straights of the same sex.
by wmeosllleyy April 9, 2021
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You play as a cat and save the world for some robots
Some random Stray: Hey did you know i saved the world

Human: Bro you’re a cat
by Felx Red July 22, 2022
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Similar to a sneak diss, a "stray" (short for "stray bullet") is an indirect insult to person X sent by person Y in an attempt to insult person Z
Person Y: "Goddamn Person Z, you're almost as much of a dumbass as Person X!"

Person X: "The fuck did I do to catch a stray like that?"
by AnimationScout April 1, 2023
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Incompetent, lowlife fucktard who has some very unfunny things to say.
by anon September 23, 2003
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A person that is both straight and gay. Aka Bisexual
''You know Jerry right? I think he's stray
by Evernyght June 14, 2020
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male that does not do anything with his life
just hangs around doing nothing usually seen with fleas or other strays
-What is your GPA?
-Why is it so low?
*i like to skip class
-wow You are such a stray
by anonymous2391 April 12, 2008
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1) a person who cannot decide whether they are straight or gay. Mostly accompanied with sexual frustration.

2) something which is away from the rest of a group or cluster.
Bro, did I enjoy the intercourse last night or was I just bored? Dude your stray.
by Hahahamanwut March 15, 2018
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