dying of death doesn't mean you are actually dying because there needs to be a reason why your dying.
i am dying of death because thats soo funny
by TheDeadPerson February 27, 2022
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The most powerful human emotion. Unlocked through enlightenment and cleansing of bad vibes. Must be censored as to not create a black hole in the universe (VERY IMPORTANT)
Gosh I’m feeling so br*dy rn
“Me too man!!”
by Bumbumthedumbdumb March 27, 2021
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The place where unwanted individuals go when banned from the internet.
Fucktard: asl showtitsplz
Mod: Fucktard-Banned
Fucktard: Oh shit, i'm in Ban-dy Land. Hey look, there's the Ban-dy King!
by Iron Patriot July 17, 2009
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You are so defeated you not only die but go all the way back to dirt.
Can also be used when someone wheezes their lungs out
'Someone in vc wheezes so hard that they break their voice'
" bro he straight went dying dead bones dust"
by Astralius February 8, 2022
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She’s in pain, maybe on her period
My girl is on her period, she said she was dying and I asked what it meant and she said she’s on her period and if a girl is dying she may be on it
by Zzob182$:$2 October 19, 2019
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Means that someone legit are going to smoke you until he/she are dying
"Hey Haley, i will smoke ya til im dying"
Haley "sure, i can 19:00"
by Kinse Wu December 8, 2020
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A euphemism denoting the feeling of lateral brain activity during an extremely peculiar situation
"Dude I was walking to work this morning and I passed this beautiful girl, but when I turned to look at her again she was a cat"

"Sounds like you had a dying muffin on your hands bro"
by CapnChunkNoChunk August 30, 2017
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