A faggot ass ni🅱️🅱️a who steals memes and photos
Wow, that meme theif stole my orginal meme...
by Dwyanethethotjohnson June 30, 2017
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A cat, that becomes a meme, by the way, ur looking SUS today.
Dude 1: did u know about da cat meme?
Dude 2:of course!!
by Da cat meme August 25, 2021
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When you mass text a bunch of memes to a friend in one message.
You just sent me a meme bukkake .
No man. Meme cream pie !

Meme Pie !
by Spazzhat May 9, 2018
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Meme Chat is like a restaurant that comes with many options. Like in starter you can have memes related to sports, celebrity, nostalgia. And at breakfast, you can taste spicy puns, savages, anime, and at dinner, you'll get what you ask.

It is also very helpful for the government when it comes to providing the list of all the single people to the census department as most of them live on this app. *If it takes 43 muscles to smile, then meme chat is 44th.* And even its notifications flirt better than the masses, not because the Casanova feature is programmed, but because it knows how to make one's day one after another.
Meme Chat is a friend who will always remind you to Keep Smiling.
by Memelordx12 November 25, 2021
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Oral reference to a meme -

when you are actually out there in the real world but still stuck on memes.
by zwrd September 15, 2017
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Meme Monday is the last Monday of every month. On this day you have to print out a picture of a fresh and good meme and tape it to your shirt for the day.

Bonus points if it is imbedded onto the shirt!
Friend: Why do you have a shirt of Michael saying "That's what she said"
Me: Its Meme Monday you uncultured swine.
Friend: Oh you right!
by EU Terrorist November 5, 2019
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its an overused dead meme wich was never be funny or will be
woah Woah W o a h W O A H *WOAH* *W O A H*
examples for the woah meme

woah is an expression of excity, fear and heart ache
by PalmasKotstube :D October 25, 2017
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