a move involving two couples having sex at the same time and in the same room, ideally. After round one, the men get up to go to the other bed; they meet at the midpoint of these two ladies beds, high five, and shout 'Switch'. then the sex continues for round two with a new partner. repeat as needed.
Ashley: 'after this we should high five and switch!'

Chad: 'I think i tired Ashley out to much for round 2.'

Brad: 'ooOO' '............alright alright I'm ready lets go.'

Chad: high five! (smack)

Brad and Chad: 'SWITCH'
by dirtydiana666 April 12, 2011
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I came home early from work and My roommate was giving another dude the homo high five.
by Shaun ness November 17, 2014
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A five foot nothing guy that teenagers and pre teens idolize.
You want me to be one of your flavor of the months? A five foot nothing heartthrob with the frosted tips, and the washboard abs with all their hair plucked out? Well, I'm going to eat a twinkie right now instead.
by The Original Agahnim November 24, 2021
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Created by Taco Bell in 2009, these taco-shaped laxatives provide old people a tasty alternative when it comes to their bathroom needs.
Instead of shotgunning a prune juice I ate a five buck box instead; needless to say I just destroyed that toilet.
by Rster04 October 24, 2011
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That time generally starting a few days before Thanksgiving and ending sometime after the New Year where everyone appears to lose all common sense. Highlighted by events such as Black Friday, Drunk Christmas Parties, Fights over parking stalls at malls, erratic driving on freeways, an unexplainable increase in the number of people out and about, and general chaos wherever people tend to congregate.
Dude this sucks. I try to go to a store and I get hit by the Forty-Five Days of Stupid. People cutting me off on the drive over, fights over a parking stall, crabby-ass folks in line at the check out, and clerks that look like they would rather kill you and stick you in a closet than ring up your tab.

I'm gonna go in the basement with a six-pack and wait it out.
by Bob1655 December 19, 2011
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the act of 2 cars traveling in opposite direction and hitting their sideview mirrors in a was that appears that both cars are performing a high five.
do not turn right on the last street. there is a high risk of car-fiving
by BUTTBLAST3000, the waist band September 30, 2012
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