An involuntary bowel movement upon hearing the value of an antiquity.
Charlotte was on Antiques Roadshow with that ugly painting she had hanging behind the chiffonier in her boudoir. When she found out it was worth $69,0000 she lost control and beefed a Provenance Pickle into her bloomers.
by Beef Mcgriddle February 13, 2021
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Referring to the fermentation, and aged characteristics of an elderly penis.
Ya honey, Aldrich has the finest Johnson.. he got that pickle penis.

by 76BURN November 19, 2021
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When someone is sometimes a bitch but can also be sweet at the same moment
Dayne is such a sugar pickle when he uses teethe
by IVIaGiCaL January 11, 2018
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Emily (noun.) usually pronounced “puh-ding”.

Emily, more commonly referred to as pudding, is a big strong girl who can take on the world! She’s hardworking and dedicated to her career in pot wash, but is a dab hand at Roblox!

Emily sometimes puts on a front, pretending she’s okay, but in reality she’s probably suffering from chronic stummy ache.

Emily’s weakness is the backseat of a taxi, and you don’t want to know what she gets up to back there…
“Damn, what’s that smell”

“It smells like sharts

“Yeah, it smells like emily pickles
by puddingpie69 November 28, 2022
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When you plug your butthole with a pickle so your boyfriend can eat it later
Girl #1 "hey babe I did a pickle plug!"
Boyfriend "yay let me eat it out later?"
Girl #1 "Sounds good!"
by S.Kills June 21, 2015
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The act of master-bating while inserting a pickle in your anus.

Stems from Eric Detiege, 47, of Tampa, was charged Sunday with exposure of sexual organs for the unappetizing display, according to the arrest affidavit obtained by the outlet.

The arresting officer was at the time responding to reports of a suspicious person.

He ultimately found Detiege on private premises “lying flat on his back, no pants or undergarments on his bottom half,” according to the document.

Detiege, according to the affidavit, “had his penis in one hand and a large uneaten pickle in his other hand” and “was using the pickle to penetrate his rectum while he was masturbating.”
Story From Yahoo News Story, “Florida man arrested for masturbating with a pickle on private property”
Don’t do the Miami Pickle in public.
by Bud Bug July 28, 2021
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A man named mick having a threesome with a woman and another man during which Mick gets his cock sucked by the other man to his and her delight
by Rubberdonk May 12, 2022
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