A game played with your bros, usually 3 or 4 of them while in the car, walking somewhere or just chilling . The game consists of one person asking Kill 1 Marry 1 Fuck 1 and saying 3 girls names from your school or workplace. The others then answer by saying who they would kill marry and fuck. After everyone has gone, the person usually to the right of the 1st person goes and picks 3 more and the game continues. Any number of people can say the same combination of girls and explain their reasoning of their choice. Remember its only a game for you and your bros if played with acquaintances or just regular friends its not as good. NEVER BRING IT UP WHILE WITH A GIRL!
Ex. 1
*Walking to B Stop Pizza*

John- Alright boys Kill 1 Marry 1 Fuck 1. Lisa, Emily, and Jess

Erick- Definitely Kill Emily Marry Jess and Fuck Lisa.

Danny- No way bro! Fuck Emily Marry Lisa Kill Jen

Zach- Dude I'd have to go with Danny, Jess is a major bitch.

Ex. 2

Zach- Fuck Me.

John- Shit man what happened?

Zach- Well me and Kayley were bored and we wanted to play a game so without thinking I asked her Kill 1 Marry 1 Fuck 1 and named off her friends and when I tried to explain it to her she bitch slapped me and broke up with me and now we can never chill with that group of girls again.

Danny- Your a fucking dumb ass dude! that was a completely asenine thing to do!! I just got a text from Melissa and shes breaking up with me because Kayley told their group about that shit!
by MethodMan3 February 27, 2011
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This means a virtual marriage involving Facebook.
It isn't real and can be to just about anybody.
facebook marriage virtual married on facebook socialmedia marry married
by Dragon Bubble December 8, 2015
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A futuristic slogan for the stupidest to even think would even be possible. It would nearly be impossible for that pair to even get the republican nominee ticket, let alone the presidential election.

The slogans full form is "Ivanka Trump and Marry Cheney 2024".
Supper Trump fan: "What is the likely hood of Ivanka Trump and Marry Cheney running together for president in 2024 as Ivanka Marry 2024?"
Normal person: "Are you nuts? Haven't the trumps and the cheneys done enough damage to this country already?"
by MST3K I like November 25, 2020
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A married print is a film print which has an optical soundtrack added onto the print. As the process usually is fairly expensive and resource-intensive, it usually is one of the last stages of post-production. Due to the intermittent motion of movie projectors and movie cameras, the sound cannot be located adjacent to the actual frames it is synced to, but instead must be offset by 21 frames (35mm). Because of this, a married print can not be edited, and thus should only be done when the picture edit has been "locked" (as well as the sound, of course). Marrying a print is often done at the stage of the answer print, although this is not strictly a requirement.
married print resource-intensive
by word_wizard_2306 December 10, 2013
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Marrie Ellen is someone you would want to be your wife more than anything else in the world. She managed to fall down a flight of stairs with a platform halfway down, turn 180 Degrees and then fall down more stairs.
“Wow that chicks hot as fuck... but she’s nothing compared to Marrie Ellen
by Grant Hansen June 15, 2018
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A groupchat that happens to be the best and funniest groupchat on stan Twitter, commonly known for ending other stans on Twitter dot com, as well as being the most payola heavy groupchat whose members cannot unflop without the help of akaashipayola. The groupchat is also known for the constant fights and disagreements that occur between the members who just so happen to hate each other's faves since half of the members are multis.
Example 1:
Person 1: "Leo and Aki won't stop spamming Lana lyrics in Oomfs I Wanna Marry Groupchat"
Person 2: "Because of them I'm literally starting to hate lana..."

Example 2:
Person 1: "Oiwmgc members are fighting again today, I can't believe this..."
Person 2: "Oh, it must be Azure, Leo, or Bobo...We are tired."

Example 3:
Person 1: "Someone PLEASE tell Moon and Maryam to stop asking for payola."

Example 4:
Person 1: "Azure just said he changed his stanlist... AGAIN."
Person 2: "His arianator phase will only last 2 weeks I think. His jensetter, carat, and nctzen phases didn't last long💀"
by oiwmgc January 18, 2022
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