A nickname for someone who's name is Philip.
by Gertrude March 15, 2004
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To Stunt, sell drugs, or to take a ride somewhere
1. Ever since Joey has a job that makes 6 figures, Joey flips alot with his jewels.
2. Them boys are flippin every moring on the corner before the cops come.
3. Im going to flip with my friends to the club.
by MIKE April 27, 2004
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ey-lee-uhn, flip-ing


The act of ingesting Psilocybin Mushrooms and 2C-B, then smoking DMT at the peak of the trip
Friend: You looked outta your head last night
Me: That's what happens when you're Alien flipping
by TheTallestPsychonaut November 7, 2020
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kwän(t)əm flipiNG'/

The reality-bending combination of LSD, Psilocybin Mushrooms, and Peyote. Quantum flipping may cause the user to feel like they are transcending the boundaries of this physical dimension.
Friend: What're you doin for New Year's Eve?
Me: Quantum flipping
Friend: Oh, really...why?
Me: So I can finally escape this shitty dimension
by TheTallestPsychonaut December 22, 2020
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Ax•is flip•ping

aksəs ˈflipiNG/

the term for when you smoke DMT at the peak of a peyote trip
Jim: Finally got some DMT. Gonna be Axis flipping at the peyote ceremony next weekend.
by TheTallestPsychonaut November 5, 2021
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