a slang word commonly used to describe the action of running away, usually from being accused of something.
he was accused so he attempted to bail
by hourglassattempt May 10, 2021
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To leave in a quick fashion; to get out of a place
Let’s bail Zach, I’m trying to get some wings.
by ittg8 March 11, 2018
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When one of your friends bails on you when you have an early tee time.
My friend committed to a tee time at 8 AM and then bailed
by heybob12 May 22, 2019
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Slang abbreviation-code for 'Bitch About It Later'
Tom is pissing off your friend.
Tell your friend that "We'll BAIL"
by consciouslyoblivious June 30, 2017
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One of the best part of America's justice system. The doctrine that, by default, you should be released from jail until given a fair trial. Usually you must pay money as leverage so you show up in court. Bail is one of the greatest parts of America's justice system, because it makes it so much easier to get a fair trial, work with attorneys, etc. and it also ensures that you won't spend months or years in jail only to be found not guilty of a crime. Unfortunately, many poor people can't afford to pay cash bail and sit in jail until trial, often for crimes they did not commit.
In America, if you rob a bank, you can bail out and go free until you have a fair trial. In China, if you criticize the government, you'll be arrested and held in jail for months or years, and you won't be given a fair trial.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx February 1, 2021
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Bails is cool awesome funny guy!!!!!!!! He is so silly!!
by matsumatt September 24, 2023
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Drinking a significant amount of a beer in a fast paced manner. Often times the whole thing in one shot.
Kyle loves bailing beers in less than 30 seconds.
by BeerWench29 January 3, 2021
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