Is someone who could be considered as a half mute as in they talk but only Talk when they necessarily believe they should a common name for this is a Sigma. They are introverted and most of there thoughts are said internally
The semi-Talker is always composed and most of his thoughts are internal he/she is an introvert
by Wavey445 June 17, 2022
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Someone who completely and publicly says and states real things.
Furthermore, this guys is certainly presumed to remain alone and wank ever after due to his excessively stupid sincerity.
A: Man! Wanna date?
B: Nah! I amma motherfucker real talker.
by Pepe Pham October 8, 2018
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someone who solely talks on the Internet but will never actually do that shit in person
username2527: ur a fat ugly pig and I could punch you

username6756:: stop being a net talker a do that shit
by drakeandnickibelong September 14, 2023
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When one is talking out of ones ass.

When one is doing a handstand their ass is where their head used to be. When someone is talking out speaking bullshit, they are handstand talking.

Usually used for politicians, New York Yankees, everyone at Fox News Channel, etc.
Glenn Beck should have ripped arm muscles because he is such a good handstand talker.
by snoogns355 March 25, 2010
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When you have two or more so called gym-goers wasting 35% of each sweat session on non-fitness activities. They're also called gym rats. They are 24/7 blabbers. They talk about everything that's happened to them in the past month while they're holding onto the handle bars. They're loud, obnoxious and inconsiderate. They also make and receive calls while the conveyor belt is still going. What's more annoying is that when their blabbing session has ended and you're about to conclude your 50 minute 10 kms sprint, they death stare you as though you've just ruined their day by tread talking.
Tread talkers are usually gossiping gym rats.
by Kick Ass Gal December 9, 2017
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A guy who speaks ugly while you having sex and it miffs you out so much you wanna laugh during.
We did it in his car but he was a dirty talker It made me feel used
by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd December 5, 2020
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when you put your balls on their eyelids
Man, my ex was a bitch so I gave her a dirty talker
by dabigbone November 25, 2008
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