A thing or person that comes across as adorably fat or chubby. Babies with fat faces or chubby puppies with lots of wrinkles are choice examples of nuggets.

Adj: Nuggety
1) Did you see that baby rolling around on the floor? It was so fat it couldn't stand! What a nugget!

2) My new dog is so nuggety, I'm gonna go show it off on a walk- ladies love nuggety puppies.
by emrant October 31, 2010
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a word that is connately spelled nugger(s) because that person/thing can't spell for shit
by wolvesonwolves December 12, 2014
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Item of known origin, however the name is unknown.
by Terry Wilkins March 11, 2003
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a state of being. we aren't really sure what it means. see "off-kilter."
Sometimes I feel like a nugget.
by Graf March 13, 2003
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A piece toilet paper or shit tanglel-rolled with butt hairs. Usually discovered when crack scrubbing in the shower or when something strange drifts in the bathtub around your knees. If left unattended, they dangle and rub and build up to a knoted ball which eventually pulls the hairs out.
"Joe is such a slob, I just saw an eight-day combo nugget rolled out of his pants leg."

"I bet her nuggets clang like windchimes when she squats."

Use wet wipes if you have the runs or you'll start a nugget farm.

"Do Not go down on that unless you want to floss with nugget strings."
by El Viejo April 28, 2010
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The act of turning an extremely poorly performing pro-sports team into a winning team.
"The Rockies have totally Nuggeted themselves!"
by fairweatherfan October 4, 2007
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