take a nigga bacon we goin live
"take a nigga bacon we goin live"
by sosatecc June 19, 2022
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To abandon. Wether a child and/ or, run away from responsibility.
Such as a group project.
Foxy love: "Just waiting on my dad to get home"

How long has been Dad goin' out for smokes
22 years, 8 months, 6 days

Where's Nick? He said he was goin' out for smokes and been gone all day!
by Sstav August 30, 2015
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Used to refer to someone who is known to cause many rampages.
(Note: Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers was a video game released in 2000.)
Person: Watchout! He's a Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers!
by ShampooBoots May 26, 2022
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this practice is done by accumulating a planets worth of drugs (preferably a mixture of stimulants and opiates) then staying up all night doing things on your computer that the nsa would not approve of
"hey tom theres this data server ive been lookin at no ones used it years, u wanna hit it?" "george, i see us goin on a board bender in our future" "maaaayyyybe but by brother never takes his adderall, were good"
by 5ende73ender January 8, 2017
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Taken from @supremedreams_1 (all credit given) it is used in a situation where you are being forced to go to or visit an undesirable place and literally have nothing else to say
Nurideen: bro let's go gets some mcnuggets
Bazi: no dude McDonald's is disgusting
Nurideen: bro I took you to dubai we have to go
Bazi: got me goin in this haunted house rn
by nurfuckingtrap April 7, 2019
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Said when something is a big deal.

Said after or before a story or sentence to express how intense/cool/stupid/insane the activity in the story or sentence was.

"We never had Nar Goins On at that party friday night."

(While watching a fight) "Nar Goins On"
by Joshua Rodney White March 12, 2008
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When someone gets pissed off at anyone or anything for little or no reason.
Woa, that guys goin' Briz
by greame April 8, 2004
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