When something is so disgusting you can't even stand it. It's like seeing a nun for a second date.
Ew you'd wear that skanky dress with them Jordan's, where you from HoeVille?
by My White Nigga Jas August 16, 2017
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A feeling of disgust towards someone, something, or anything else.
“Ew, what is that?”
by Itme!! April 6, 2018
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The Matthew Ewing Effect is when a player in the MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) game League of Legends will pick a champion that they have seen someone else “go off” with (“Go off” meaning that another player does extremely well with in game) and then proceed to pick that champion thinking that because they have seen that someone else did great with, then they will instantly assume that playing said champion will make their knowledge and ability in the game exceed like the players they have seen play that champion. Most of the time the player will then flame the enemy team (insult and harass them) and / or blame the game that they are performing poorly.

Keep in mind that this definition is mostly targeting newer players in the game because experienced players can probably see someone do good as another champion and pick them up with some ease due to their knowledge. However, new players will do this without the knowledge of the game or champion and will most likely make themselves look like a complete idiot.
A player sees someone use Yasuo (an assassin / fighter character) and go 29/5 (kills to death) and begins to play that champion, only to wonder why they lost in a fight and blame the game or other players when they do not know how to play Yasuo. Thus you would say "Looks like they're Matthew Ewing"
by SoFakeLmfao May 21, 2021
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When whomst nibba watch'eth a Ricegum video
ah ew He's gross "1 hour later" I watched a video and my leg fell off help
by Leg-ault June 13, 2018
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though they always denies it, they are an ewe squirrel
by willoww33 November 5, 2021
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a term used by racists when to discretely be racist
man i love being ewed.
by qwertyuioplkjhgfdsaaaaazxcvbnm February 26, 2022
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