lead vocalist/lyricist of Crystal Castles. She is one bamf.
Alice Glass is fucking awesome! You have to see Crystal Castles live!!
by baconj06 February 12, 2012
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A rock artist who helped shape what music is today. Not a girl you idiots.
by Eric December 29, 2005
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she is the most supportive, loving, funny, caring, and thoughtful girl you will ever meet. her paragraphs will always make you smile and her presence is enough to brighten your day. you are lucky to even speak to her or see her smile. she will always be there for you, she truly is amazing in every way. she is everything you could ever want and need. alice is the kind of girl who can make you laugh until your stomach hurt and the kind of girl who will be there to make you smile when you cry. she is the best <3
she’s so amazing, that could only be alice heather
by eurbestie November 9, 2020
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Alice angel is incredibly kind and funny in person but she needs some alone time to recharge. She is popular and everyone likes her but she may not believe or know it. She isn't the most confident in herself but everyone else believes in her. She is an amazing friend and someone you would want to have in your life.
alice angel is such a great friend.
by ScarySquirrel October 20, 2018
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The best combination of people the world has ever seen. No one is as cool as them and everyone wants to be them because of their constant habit to radiate swagger. Out of the two of them, alice is the best and people like her the most but Calvin isn’t too bad either.
Who is that insanely cool couple of people?
Well, that’s Alice and Calvin
by Aliceegd October 24, 2020
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One of the four or five characters in the Twilight Saga that isn't a Mary Sue and/or Gary Stu. She's described as pixie-like throughout the series, with black spiky hair, pale skin, (obviously, she's a vampire) and she's the smallest family member. She was one of the Cullens that wanted Bella to remain alive in Twilight when the family argued about whether or not to kill her when Edward saved her life in fear of exposure. Her mate is Jasper Hale, another one of the non-Gary Stu characters. She was changed by a vampire who loved her in her human life (which she doesn't have any real recollection of), who was killed by James (the one who tried to kill Bella in the first book). Her full human name was Mary Alice Brandon.
Person # 1: Alice Cullen is the only good character in the series.

Person # 2: With maybe the exceptions of Jasper Hale and Jane Volturi.

*begin argument about how Jane is evil*
by Nicole2016 July 23, 2011
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Shock rocker and theatrical artist, as well as a musician. Though a pioneer in shocking parents worldwide, his music is generally fairly upbeat and rarely harbors any real malice.

Some speculation was made by aforementioned shocked parents that he was the Antichrist, but as usual these detractors had not listened to the music they were attacking and did not understand the man who created it.
Uninformed Christian: "Alice Cooper is evil!"
Comparitively intelligent rocker: "Alice Cooper rocks!"
by Fox April 16, 2005
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