World's best game that makes you climax multiple times while playing it.

Also might be a codeword for heroin addicts.

By Jesus™.
Boy, I really love Pornsex® Golden Shower.
by Jesus™ November 21, 2020
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The act of ejaculating on a woman’s bald or shaved head.
Guy #1: Do you see that cute girl sitting at the bar with the shaved head?
Guy #2: Yeah what about her?

Guy #1: I totally “Shower Capped” her last night!
Guy #2: No way dude that’s so dope!
by KtxDipper May 21, 2018
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where a female gets punched in the vaginal area quite hard
"don't make me give you a flower power pain shower"
by sineppenis May 9, 2014
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when you guy is real good at sex so you reward him like the real MVP he is by dumping a bucket of Gatorade on him.
He bent me over so good I gave him a Gatorade shower cause he's the real MVP
by Deflate_deez_nutz December 11, 2016
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An urban slang word meaning to act crazy or irrational. It originates from inner city Detroit. It is most often used when referring to a black woman going crazy when her weave is touched.
"Yo dawg, why is your boo shower cappin'?"
by Not Bill or Steve May 13, 2014
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“Shower selling” is a sales term used when describing a sales men who goes above and beyond to sell customers.
Yo Osama is the best sales guy in our team. His shower-selling skills are phenomenal dude!
by Shower-selling July 14, 2021
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A bizzness shower is like a baby shower. Instead of showering your preggers friends with blue and pink gifts you get to raise your champagne glasses to a new venture. Way more fun!
On Friday we get to go to another bizzness shower! So glad we get to drink instead of have cupcakes and tea.
by BetterWisser April 23, 2019
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