A porn category, that will 100 percent give you the fattest boner, you'll ever get.
M8 1: bro, loot at this girl, she's fit.
M8 2: yea, she looks better in an rough lesbian pornvideo though.
by fatwankinaforest_678 January 1, 2019
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A lesbian that has slept with men in the past but is now strictly into women.
My ex dumped me for a female. I think she was a Double Platinum Lesbian the whole time
by 2wEntEeE January 18, 2023
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A lesbian that tries to kiss a girl that they like and if they're not into it they say" it's a prank"
The behavior of a Shrodinger's lesbian:

Lesbian *trying to kiss her friend*
Friend *backs up*
Lesbian "it's a prank bro"
by UwUrban.abrUwU November 22, 2021
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Falsly being gay or lesbian
All the girl be having a problem with synthetic lesbianism
by redondahead May 13, 2015
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The disease of turning into a lesbian, (men can have it too)
Jude im sorry but you have lesbianitis
by ljbsvbsjbvhdhzvb October 8, 2019
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A lipstick lesbian is a woman who pretends to enjoy sex with other women, in order to a please men. Aka, a fake lesbian. The reason for this is that she is 'putting on' her lesbianism, as you put on a lipstick.
She knows he loves to see her eating pussy; she's a lipstick lesbian.
by Psyzzle_wazzle_returns October 5, 2020
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