A skyrim-horse is a horse found in the game "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim"

As a consequence of its strange physics, it is verry good at climbing mountians and other elevated terrain.

(latin) "Climbus horseus"
Person1: Wow this mountian is pretty hard to climb.
Person2: Yeah i could realy use a "Skyrim horse"
by Skyrim connoisseur August 7, 2019
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Heroin was called "horse" for many years, and fentanyl (sometimes called china white) is nasically a pale or lighter colored horse. .
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.
by KrashWorship September 9, 2022
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A person that hates on people with Horse Masks or horses in general. They hate horses usually because of past experiences.
Guy 1: That Arty guy has his Jocks On Horses
Guy 2: No kidding! I saw him cussing one out yesterday.
by wahtduh May 8, 2014
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The best and coolest savage to ever live. He will never be defeated and will drop kick any avocados in his way. He is the annihilator of faces,the destroyer of worlds,the Horse in Horse Nae Nae.
The Horse Nae Nae is the most savage thing that has ever happened to this world.
by Horse Nae September 15, 2017
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A sacred stance used to defend oneself from attackers. Space your legs apart and squat down so that your thigh and lower leg are at a 90 degree angle, while screaming NEEIGGH at the top of your lungs to make your assailent as uncomfortable as possible. May occasionally result in you getting kicked in the fun time spot, but worth the look on your attackers face if they are as confused as I am while writing this definition.
guy one: yo man let’s jump this foo
target: back off! NEEIIIGGGHH!!!
guy two: shit man! He knows the horse stance!!!
guy one: lets beat it!
by biggie cheeze May 10, 2018
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You take your bed and push it up against the wall. Then you get on the bed and proceed to jump up and down next to the wall while you smack you dick against the wall repetitively, while still jumping up and down until you come to a climax.
Jacking off has become a thing of the past since my youth pastor taught me the ways of Horse Railing.
by ilaypipes92 April 30, 2022
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