2 definitions by Skyrim connoisseur

"Skyrim Horses" or "Skyrimus horseus" (latin) are commonly found in the Elder scrolls game "Skyrim".

Because of the horses marvelous capability of ascending mountian they have also been given the nickname "mountian climbers".
I need to get up that mountian, wait let me get my "skyrim horse" so that i can ascend it.
by Skyrim connoisseur July 21, 2019
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A skyrim-horse is a horse found in the game "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim"

As a consequence of its strange physics, it is verry good at climbing mountians and other elevated terrain.

(latin) "Climbus horseus"
Person1: Wow this mountian is pretty hard to climb.
Person2: Yeah i could realy use a "Skyrim horse"
by Skyrim connoisseur August 7, 2019
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