Just end this argument now!
I can woop your ass anytime; no way, remember last time when ... "oh, just throw it on ice"
by Droitduseigneiur October 25, 2017
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A small and concealable version of the Cornish War Pasty. Often used by the Hellers, Cornish ninjas! The Throwing Pasty is very dangerous in the wrong hands and can give you a nasty ding on the ear! Maximum range is about 20 feet!
Trellawney: ouch!

Ambrose: What 'appened Trellawney?

Trellawney: That there Heller just threw 'es Throwing Pasty atun, dinged me som'et proper!
by EsAnHeller July 28, 2011
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The act of throwing a bowling ball into the gutter when there a 10 lovely pins at the end of the alley to hit.
My buddy is so bad at bowling, he will throw a dylan almost every other time he steps up to the lane.
by Mr. Stole yo girl September 6, 2018
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In response to throw short people day and throw tall people day, this day is dedicated to throwing everyone on October 23rd. No one is safe this time around, so prepare yourselfs!
Person one: AAAAFhhODOIAUdssefSOstyfusTYU wtf why did you throw me?! Throw tall people day was yesterday!
Person two: But today is National throw everyone day so I can still throw you
Person one: Oh shit-
by Wasabi Noob October 18, 2021
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To throw cheers is to encourage others to drink liquor glass after glass as in "Cheers!"
A: These girls always throw cheers to my boys.
B: I bet they are sluts.
by PointTH June 17, 2017
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the action of giving a girl the amazing, dope, addicting, drive her crazy penis.
Chas: "you know i had to throw that dick. Now she won't leave me alone. She keeps calling my phone."
Rouksar: "I know exactly what you are talking about. My boyfriend knows how to Throw that dick."
November 21, 2016
by freshcutbigD November 22, 2016
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