A term often used to mean absolutely anything the meaning of which must be judged by tone pitch and inflection alone.
by watersa5 July 11, 2008
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A word to define the smiley face charecter based on yahoo with the straight blank face. Meant to be used when the actual face in unavailable. Also can basically mean SPEECHLESS. Originates from a group of black women from Virgina (the DC Metro area) who were familiar with the face but did not have access to the face itself for posting on a message board they use to pass time during work hours, conveniently the message board is titled "that face"
*after looking at a picture of a 500lb woman in a thong*

the response would be:

"WOW! *that face*"
by VA_Kim July 28, 2008
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its when you get owned by an insult, but sometimes u can smoke a bag of reefer to the dome and get faced.

example #1, haha you got faced by that guy so hard!
example #2, damn billy you got faced from that water bong!
by faced September 17, 2004
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when smoking the tree (marijuana), smoking copious amounts by oneself, in order to get incredibly high incredibly fast.

I smoked three bowls to the face before trying to give the presentation. I'd say it was good, but I don't remember anything about it.
by feces faceplant June 5, 2007
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The craziest motherfucker to ever walk the earth. He'll bite your balls off and then sautee them with olive oil.
Don't fuck with face. He'll bite your balls off then sautee them with olive oil.
by Urinalcake January 14, 2004
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Porn up close. Not in a magazine or your laptop or whatever.
Last night at the club these girls were showing some face-to-face porn.
by Heeey!! December 13, 2008
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