A "tidal wave" of people heading to a mental health clinic for treatment.
Immediately following every election, funny farms experience a huge influx of "I voted for somebody else" folks who are super-anguished that their "pet" candidate did not win; this is often soon followed by a second, even bigger tsuNAMI that's comprised of folks who DID INDEED vote for the election's winner, and are now bitterly disappointed that said candidate broke his campaign-promises of positive reform once he got in da catbird's seat.
by QuacksO November 7, 2021
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A "tidal wave" of people heading to a mental health clinic for treatment.
Immediately following every election, funny farms experience a huge influx of "I voted for somebody else" folks who are super-anguished that their "pet" candidate did not win; this is often soon followed by a second, even bigger tsuNAMI that's comprised of folks who DID INDEED vote for the election's winner, and are now bitterly disappointed that said candidate broke his campaign-promises of positive reform once he got in da catbird's seat.
by QuacksO October 27, 2021
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a word we fucking can't spell right
Person 1: Did you see the tsunami on the news?
Person 2: Yea, they can't a simple word right
Person 1: That's what I was thinking!
by *LoadsShotgun* May 11, 2021
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Think of a wave and multiply it 4. Seniors, Sophomores, Juniors, even Freshman. All the grades combine forces to participate in the most absolute of absolute ragers.
Dude 1: That party last night was humongo. The entire school was there.
Dude 2: That was no party, that was a tsunami.
by Boxyoga August 24, 2021
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When someone has waves that are so thick and luscious that they're not waves anymore, they have transcended into TSUNAMIS
Unknown kid: yo that kid jayden has toilet ripples and HOLY CRAP! Look at those TSUNAMIS! i think those are withersons!
Girls: damn witherson has the best tsunamis ive ever seen!
by rx3ynn April 29, 2023
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a large group of asain tourists
"yo, that tsunami taking up the whole museum"
by tsunamiiii July 27, 2018
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