¨If you´re down for some stitches im down for some scars¨ is said when a person is going to fight another and is not afraid.
by DownerWee September 29, 2008
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A scar on one's body left by the burn of a red-hot cigarette lighter - normally a Bic lighter.

Some house rules of the drinking game "Buffalo" require that you have a "Buffalo Scar" to be a true member of the "Buffalo Club".
Guy 1: "Look at that guy's arm. He has a scar that looks like he burned himself with a lighter."

Guy 2: "Yeah, it's a Buffalo Scar. He must be in the Buffalo Club."
by xUser1234x May 29, 2011
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The act of finding out that your parents are part of the BDSM community in the most scarring way possible. An example would be coming home from school and seeing your mum on all fours with a gag on and your dad behind her with a whip.
Friend: Why didn't you go to the party yesterday?
You: I couldn't man, I got Bondage-scarred and fainted and we all know I don't faint bro.
by PuppyKittenPiglet December 6, 2016
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The girl who broke TikTok because she was accused of having a “fake scar” you could tell it was just makeup at times, but tbh she probably had the scar then saw she was losing followers once it healed, so she started faking it.
Hey bro did you hear about scar girl?”
“Yeah, she’s so fake smh.”
by Moe_lester2726 January 20, 2023
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Scarlet is a color of red, but , my name is Scarlet, so, I well just list off me and my personality. Scarlet, I prefer Scar so I well be referring me as Scar. Scar is a weird asexual non-binary human, they are mostly friends with boys and other members of LGBTQ+ community. They like to game (video games, bord games, party games, ect.) and have fun. They also like to eat and adventure. They also like stuffed animals (don't ask why). They are also really funny. They also may have super powers and is vengeful of people who may betray them. They have brown hair and green eyes and their favorite colors are neon blue, neon purple, neon green, and black ,well, that's their favorite color scheme. Their favourite colors are all neon and normal colors BUT not pink.
Scarlet/ Scar can be used for a name.
by Scardicey February 27, 2021
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A hickey left on by a females daddy
What is that purple thing on your neck sally? Oh it’s my daddy scar
by Adotthebot January 7, 2019
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