Unidentified drug/substance with unknown origins that's often mistaken for marijuana extracts. It is a drug that we assume people are on when they say stupid shit or have terrible opinions
Aye yo, your boy off the goop if he thinks he can suck dick better than my brother.
by Accordingtous December 3, 2020
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The word goop is a synonym of drip. It is when someone is wearing expensive clothing or jewelry. Something along the lines of designer clothing, and clothes sold on goop.store.
My boy Obama got that Goop 😳 where'd you get it from, my guy.
by Hyperocto August 23, 2019
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A term used to say that someone has a lot of valuables. (usually in a video game) It is commonly used by the YouTuber spoonkid and his fans.
Streamer; Yo chat this guy has so much GOOP!
by iGoNorth February 3, 2023
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Noun: A black liquid with the consistency of jello. Anyone it touches also becomes goop.

Adjective/goopy: Someone who moves around like their body is made out of goop
by Squidkid_97 August 4, 2021
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Goop is an epic slime that everyone loves. U can find goop in different colors but his primary color is green. People really like to make awsome fanart of him.

by Floffy22 April 23, 2021
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A substance made of many different types of liquid. It is similar to slime but not as easy to make and handle. Created by Lauren and Zoe
this goop was very hard to make
by Laurshake November 23, 2016
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