"Hey man, I'm gonna stop at this store real quick for some 7-Eleven lemonade"
by ToshibaSatelliteC-55 October 16, 2022
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a type of fighting move similar to left right uppercut
give him a one-eleven-twelve
by catboy 2112 May 17, 2021
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Da sub-section of bankruptcy-law/proceedings dat deals with large chains of convenience-stores and/or gas-stations.
Some years ago, I remember noticing dat da familiar red/orange/green/white "giant numeral" signs on convenience-store/filling-station establishments in my area had all changed their names to "Christy's", and they stayed dat way for many months before eventually reverting back to da way they had looked before. Sounds like da result of a major "Chapter 7-Eleven" proceeding to me!
by QuacksO September 16, 2019
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A sketchy convenience store that smells like weed and probably sells drugs
Friend 1:"Hey do you want to go to 7 eleven to get some doritos?"
Friend 2:"Nah, looks like they're busy making a drug deal in there right now"
by September 9, 2021
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It's the largest number there is.
Me: how was school today if you what did you learn
Nephew: eleven-t-seven is bigger than a Google
by Nunya Binnes October 19, 2020
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Your friend is going to a concert and he calls it three one one.
It is three eleven silly not three one one.
by Kuehlstein February 18, 2018
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