Kill pack is another word for really good weed.
Person 1: Ayee bro you wanna hit this B?
Person 2: Yuh if u got some good bud in their.
Person 1: Bro u know I only smoke kill pack .
by Getyourmoneyright April 17, 2020
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A phrase that is the equivalent of "aw shucks" or "darn"
(Credit to Sam Riegel on Critical Role)
"Nope, don't have the money right now; I've killed my whole family, I'll get it to you next week."
by Beedle_Juize November 10, 2022
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The act of fucking someone who is or is pretending to be in a coma
"honey, I'm tired can you just kill Bill me tonight?"
by That_one_weabo July 24, 2022
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An average SoundCloud rapper with a dark past, no one really knows much about the guy personally, he hasn’t even shown his full face
Have you heard of kill xeno, probably not
by dirty cheese burger February 17, 2019
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having sex with someone you met at camp nobody knows/having sex at camp in general.
Alex got a camp kill this summer
by bigolvirgin September 10, 2012
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When a newly (re)spawned player or entity kills or destroys another newly (re)spawned player or entity. This is very rare.


Spawn Kill
Kill Spawn
Reverse Spawn Kill
You would not believe what just happened! I just spawned and was walking out into the fray when someone else spawned right in front of me with a rocket launcher and blasted me to bits! Spawn-to-spawn kills can be insane.
by The_Epicness9000 May 16, 2020
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