A Mushroom Lesbian is simply a lesbian with a bowl cut. Any subcategory of lesbian (Dyke, Stud, Femme, Lipstick, etc) can be a Mushroom Lesbian as long as they have a bowl cut.
Person A: "Did you see Veronica's awesome new bowl cut?"
Person B: "I sure did! She's a real Mushroom Lesbian!"
by ratty-b-ratty-tingz May 9, 2020
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After we're done scissoring we should do some lesbian gin shots; I take mine with salt and a lime.
by TheRealShep September 10, 2018
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Lesbian centipeding the act of banging a chick while she eats out another chick while that chick eats out another one.
Last night me and few girls did some lesbian centipeding in my trailer.
by Race track Ralph June 14, 2020
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A lesbian who is fed up with dating and prefers the ease of using her sex toys to get her rocks off!
Jane was sick and tired of dating narcissists. Instead she found solice via her rampant rabbit.

Jane is happy to be a Duracell Lesbian.
by Calamity Kate September 18, 2023
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A housing lesbian becomes activated when they see a woman (with property/room) has romantic or sexual feelings for them.

Essentially, a parasitic-personalitied woman/apex predator with no romantic inklings (possibly no feelings, period), headed towards eviction proceedings, and/or has worn out her welcome elsewhere recently.
Claire would "fall in love" with a fire hydrant if she thought it could offer her lazy ass something. Watch out, she is a housing lesbian!
by Man Sees A Spider Dance Troupe October 10, 2021
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