While on Netflix, Symber is a watcherer.
by Scarrlett Rose June 25, 2017
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A person with great organisational skills when it comes to group photos, but none at all when planning of any kind is involved.
Watcher's c o m m u n i c a t i o n
by Topknottwat June 26, 2023
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A female who has been selected to watch another female pee into a cup for a drug test
Mike: Sgt. Turbo, I need you to be a taco watcher this month since your name is not on the list.
by Diablo8195 June 13, 2017
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Someone who pays attention to the current affairs of China, or consumes large amounts of media regarding the current affairs of China.
Micheal is a China Watcher. He likes to consume media about China.
by John Ferra July 13, 2022
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Someone who day-trades (stocks, options, forex, indices etc) and watches candles all day to make a living.
Friend: "What does your husband do again?"

Me: "Kavish? Oh, he's a candle watcher! It's not easy to watch candles all day, but someone's gotta do it."
by candle_watcher_wife March 15, 2023
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A person that watches the pole..
Barry said watch that pole..

Get off my pole says Barry I'm watching the pole step aside please..

Me: what are you looking at Barry??
Barry: I'm head of the pole watchers club I am looking at that pole over there how big and long..
Me: oh you really do like poles huh..

Barry said smake that bitch up side the head with your pole that'll teach her.. dam pole smoker
by November 3, 2020
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