A nice way of saying you're gonna be in the bathroom for a while
I'll talk to you later, got to go take a poo poo cruise
by Gladys the Great November 23, 2016
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A curse word or explicit way of showing frustration without the use of overly coarse language.
"poo you," or, "oh poo"

in some cases, human beings are known to have outbursts, such as "POO," generally showing the lack of appropriate wording.
by DakkaDakka March 2, 2010
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its like the n-word, but only effect on Indian.

congratulations :)
P: Did you know that Indians have poo poo in their brain?
B: That's a blatant racist lie
P: Yeah, but still not defamation!


W: what's up my poo poo brain
I: फक यू
by abcde19 April 2, 2019
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New fashion trend of wearing your pants as if they were ill fitted or you were wearing a diaper that was soiled for that "gangsta rap look.
My dad says ;"Geo is this the new style for young men popular ?Eh? This wearing of the "poo poo pants"?
by geoblze July 24, 2011
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A way of saying "poop" or saying something is bad or not to your liking.
Julie: Do you want som chocolate mousse cake?
Carol: No. Its caca poo poo.
I just made a caca poo poo
by Word Randomizer XD January 25, 2011
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Poo poo boring is when someone is being boring or something is boring
Emily:Lacy is so poo poo boring Farrell : I know right
by Fazzadazza223 October 11, 2023
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Any type of air deodorant / air freshener that comes in an aerosol bomb (spray can).
{Marge}: Homer, did you just leave a big fat shit in our toliet?
{Homer}: Yes dear, and I even remembered to flush!
{Marge}: The bathroom stinks to high heaven; next time please use the poo-poo spray, ok?
by Telephony July 30, 2016
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