Someone that goes to watch people wheel there trucks but does not have a truck to wheel of there own and can only kick the tires or other peoples trucks
Look at that broke fucking mudboy over there he is a real tire kicker
by Captain R.P.M November 25, 2006
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Used to say that someone is bad with women.. i.e u see them in a club trying to pull hours later u see them walkin down the road kicking the curb and there thinking "oh they werent that fit anyway!"
dave your a curb kicker!
by Jim000000 October 16, 2007
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If you are playing baseball in a cowfield and something else looks like second base
Get going or all the other shit kickers will join in
by Roger Jones April 12, 2006
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When a Egyptian child gets a running start and hits a man in the ass, which causes the penis to be inserted into the pussy for the ultimate ejaculation.
Yo I was down when my wife wanted to do the Egyptian hole kicker
by Cuteboithiccems69 February 5, 2021
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Brilliant chess strategy that will be devised by Karen to defeat Croatian opponent, who knows who he is.
Did you see that? She just obliterated that Croat using the Croatian Ass-Kicker!
by kvonblix January 11, 2012
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Kick a Ginger Kicker Day is the day after when Gingers everywhere can retaliate and kick all Ginger Kickers on October 21.
The Ginger in school that was kicked for having characteristics of a Ginger on Kick a Ginger Day gathered all of his Ginger friends the day after Kick a Ginger Kicker day to Kick all Ginger Kickers. Therefor it must be "Kick a Ginger Kicker Day." Which would fall on October 21.
by sarwya July 5, 2016
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Offspring of a female dog that kicks females. Human off spring that likes to kick females.
You son-of-a-bitckkicker you didn't have to kick that female.
by Bob June 3, 2004
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