Erika is an amazing person who will be your friend forever. They hate when people spell their name with a c, they hate getting called Eric, and they’re an amazing best friend.<3
Erika is a lovely person.
by Imalesbianlol May 26, 2022
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She’ll light up your world like nobody else. She’s the sweetest and she’s friends with everyone and if you have an Erika as a friend, then don’t lose her. She also could be in the popular group cause she’s kind and loyal. Many girls can also be jealous of her, she can show them how it’s done! But.. don’t ever mess with her, or you shall pay for the rest of your life
Girl: omg is that Erika! She’s so gorgeous!!

Other girl: I want to be her!
Erika is one of the sexiest girls you will ever meet, she is a really nice, funny person once you get to know her though it may not seem like that at first. Erika is sensitive she try's not to show it. Erika can be angry if you really upset her or say something about her family. Erika can be quiet to others but when you're friends with her she will make you laugh until you pee yourself. Be nice to Erika

Damn Erika has a big butt
by Jakshakdh December 22, 2021
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I love erika

Alex: I love you
Erika: I love u more
by Crăcan November 21, 2021
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A person who loves aot, nge and a lot of other Mangas and animes. Really funny and sooo fucking pretty. They might not realize it but they're genuinely so gorgeous, like if I just met them I'd probably fall for their looks! Also there for you when you're going through tough times, Erika I'm so grateful for u fr.
I love Erika so much, like not romantically but she's the best friend I could ever have.
by 11n17.M1ngha0ed October 9, 2022
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Its a nice person and a smart af one but wont give you answers to homework.
-Hey Erika could you give me math homework answers?
-No, do it yourself.
by Erika is amazing but not cool December 16, 2020
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Its a nice person and a smart af one but wont give you answers to homework.
-Hey Erika could you give me math homework answers?
-No, do it yourself.
by Erika is amazing but not cool December 16, 2020
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